Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dulles IT/Eng/Security Clearance Career Fair

This career fair will take place on Tuesday, February 24, 2009.
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Click here to register for the fair through Monster!

Smartest Career Training for 2009

Whether you're unsure of the long-term stability at your current job or you're simply ready for a change, these popular careers are seeing a lot of long-term growth. A simple degree or certificate program can mean more money, better job security and a challenging, interesting career.

Degree Programs are a Smart Choice
Make the right move with a degree or certificate program that suits your interests. Check out some of the smartest career training options for 2009. Click here for the full MSN article!
by Amelia Gray

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Resume Humor Cartoon

Pleeeeeaaaaase people. "DONT BURN YOUR BRIDGES." They could very well take you places in the future.

Most Promising Places to Start a New Career

"All things being equal, where you live can make a huge difference in what you earn. Whether you're ready to make a move to a new city or you want to choose an education that fits the needs of your hometown, career training can make a big difference to your wallet.

When it comes to marketing your degree, the old axiom for real estate holds true -- it's all about location, location, location. Check out these top degrees available online, matched with some of their best areas nationwide and earnings from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)." Click here for the full Yahoo article!
by Amelia Gray, FindTheRightSchool

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

5 Tips For Executive Job Level Seekers

"Recent economic woes have struck a severe blow to the nation's work force -- penetrating as high as the top tiers of corporate America. As the economy becomes increasingly shaky and companies are forced to trim budgets, executive-level and management positions have become more vulnerable than ever.

In their book, Kursmark and Melnik encourage job seekers pursuing leadership positions to create and implement the following tools in their job search": Click here for full MSN article!
By Selena Dehne, JIST Publishing